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Leonardo.Ai: The Dawn of New Artistic Horizons

May 17, 2024

A Stellar Beginning

In the scenic city of Sydney, a revolutionary generative AI art platform known as Leonardo.Ai has made waves with its recent fundraising feat. Garnering a staggering $31 million from a cadre of investors like Blackbird, Side Stage Ventures, Smash Capital, TIRTA Ventures, Gaorong Capital, and Samsung Next, this platform has stepped into the limelight of the tech world​​. Founded merely a year ago, Leonardo.Ai has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity, boasting seven million users and over 700 million images generated. Its latest offering, an enterprise version, not only facilitates collaboration but also offers hosting on private clouds, along with API access for the tech-savvy to build upon​​.

A Canvas for Creativity

Leonardo.Ai is not just any platform; it's a haven for the creatively inclined. Whether you're into gaming, advertising, fashion, or architecture, this platform offers a unique space where users can save, edit, and build multiple assets in a consistent style. It even allows users to craft and train their own models for image generation​​. The use cases are endless, from creating storyboards for video production to designing gaming characters. J.J. Fiasson, the CEO and co-founder, was inspired by Google Deep Dream and has continued his generative AI exploration since​​.

Expanding Horizons

Originally focused on game asset content creation, Leonardo.Ai has since broadened its scope to encompass various verticals. Fiasson emphasizes the platform's adaptability to support multiple use cases, hinting at a future strategy that leans towards expanding its business-to-business facets​​. Built on open source technologies and trained using synthetic data and data from Creative Commons, Leonardo.Ai differentiates itself from competitors like Adobe Firefly, BlueWillow, and Midjourney by offering users an unprecedented level of control. Its Live Canvas feature, for instance, lets users sketch out their ideas while the AI transforms them into photorealistic images in real-time​​.

The Essence of Control

"We think control means utility," Fiasson asserts. In a world where generative AI art platforms are abundant, Leonardo.Ai sets itself apart by focusing on user control, ensuring that the creative process remains in the hands of the artist. This commitment to user agency is evident in its unique features and functionalities​​.

A Promising Future

With the new funding in place, Leonardo.Ai is poised to expand its sales and marketing team and further develop its enterprise product. The plan also includes beefing up its engineering team​​. Their recent funding supports expansion into the B2B market and the hiring of additional team members​​.

Features Galore

Leonardo.Ai's features are a testament to its versatility and user-centric approach. The AI Canvas and AI Image Generation are its main features, allowing for image creation and editing with a prompt-based interface for unique image creation​​. Users can create new datasets and start their own AI models based on the images they use, with fine-tuned models for specific image types like pixel art or potions​​. The platform also features community models, enabling users to create unique models for AI art generation, making it one of the most comprehensive platforms available​​.

A Canvas of Creativity

The AI Canvas feature is particularly notable, allowing users to edit images in a canvas mode, draw masks over certain areas, and generate images based on these masks​​. The AI Image Generation feature offers choices in the number of images, resolution, aspect ratio, and even a tiling feature for creating patterned images - ideal for graphic designers​​. For those needing a spark of inspiration, Leonardo.Ai's prompt generation feature comes to the rescue, generating specific prompts based on a general idea​​.

In conclusion, Leonardo.Ai stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of generative AI art, offering unparalleled control and a plethora of features to its users. With its recent funding, the platform is set to reach new heights, expanding its capabilities and influence in various creative industries. As Leonardo.Ai continues to evolve, it is poised to redefine the boundaries of artistic creation in the digital age.

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