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Look at company's productivity tools if you want to understand their culture

May 17, 2024

Culture can be a powerful motivator for high performance, and it’s  not just about having fun or being creative – it’s about making sure everyone in the organization knows what behaviors are expected from them. Culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding.

What shapes the culture for your organization?

While it is a complex process, the big part of it is: communicating properly, creating a respectful workplace, empowering and encouraging people, caring about each other and establishing trust while creating shared patterns of behavior that are not spelled out anywhere in writing.

How can I improve the culture?

While we can’t buy some culture for our companies we can create an environment for the great culture to cultivate. We spend a great deal of resources selecting an office location, outfitting headquarters, making it a comfortable environment for teams who we hired carefully to perform their best. Yet, we somewhat neglect and are not involved enough as leaders when it comes to choosing appropriate digital office environments for our teams by either delegating the decision to IT departments or embracing whatever sticks.  

Stork focuses on a communication and collaboration tool that is essential in helping great leaders build better cultures for their organizations, teams and departments.

What’s wrong with Zoom, Slack and Microsoft Teams?

What are the best and most effective ways to inspire your employees and keep them engaged? As leaders of organizations or projects, we have an important responsibility: inspiring our troops. We know that emailing and texting over Slack or Microsoft Teams is often impersonal while real time video calling or voice calling in many cases needs to be scheduled - so how can executives connect with their team in-person without having all hands on deck at every moment?

With the term "Zoom Fatigue" now in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, it's becoming increasingly difficult to inspire your teammates over a scheduled video call. It requires you to be prepared and inspirational while simultaneously requiring your team to be receptive all within the confines of  clashing time zones. Now change all that by entering an asynchronous mode of communication where one member sends out an inspiring video message or voice note; and other team members can choose when they want to consume the information and react accordingly!

There are many other ways to reach out to your team members in a profound way without disrupting what they’re doing using asynchronous features such as screen recording, voice recording or recorded video.

If you haven’t started using video or voice recording and messaging for internal team communications yet we recommend you do on your quest to create a better culture for your business. Here are some of the reasons:

We are naturally more engaged by stories than facts. Our brains don’t make a distinction between an experience we read about and one that is actually happening as this information gets stored in the same part of our brain. Video messages add to storytelling  which makes us emotionally invested faster when watching them. Stork allows people to always pause video recording and continue at their convenience.

  • Majority of people are visual learners

It’s not enough to just throw text thoughts out there and hope for the best. Video messaging and logging helps bridge the gap between empathetic and authoritative without losing your sense of leadership. When colleagues across your organization are able to actually see you, hear what you have to say, and watch how you lead in a video log, they'll feel closer with one another as well as more confident about their own ability for leading themselves.

With over 93% of communication coming from non-verbal means, it's no secret that video messages are a great way to increase understanding. The belief is that 55% of communication comes from body language, 38% comes through the tone and 7%, you guessed it - words!

  • Video Recordings is a fundamental communications strategy

Video messages give leaders the freedom to address issues in the moment, respond to employee questions in a very personable way, and eliminate any confusion. Short video updates also provide an authentic communication that will demonstrate openness and honesty at every level; they are perfect for company announcements without having employees wait around for scheduled meetings or presentations!

Business Voice Messaging on the go

If a video message isn’t your cup of tea, consider using Voice Notes (the 38% for the tone of voice is still pretty impressive as compared to 7% for text).

Stork is providing easy to use communications solutions, an alternative to Microsoft Teams and Slack which can be text heavy and lack nuance. That’s why Stork offers rapid voice notes as another form of asynchronous content exchange: either supplementing your written messages or being preferred by some teams who communicate best via their voices rather than written words!

If you're always on the go and think faster than you can write, sending voice notes instead of text can increase your efficiency and store your voice and video recordings safe and sound in Stork.

Instead of sending endless Slack messages or scheduling a Zoom call, record and send a voice note. Turn that conversation into a rapid voice message exchange. Stork is the most efficient audio communication platform for remote teams. Voice notes are naturally asynchronous.

Consumer vs Business Voice Messaging

Business voice messaging requirements and experience are often very different from consumer and unlike consumer voice messaging tools such as WhatsApp and Telegram, that force you to keep the microphone button pressed as you record a voice note, Stork allows you to pause your recording anytime, so that you may gather your thoughts before continuing or simply take a break.

There is no limit to the length of the voice note either so you can keep the recording open for as long as needed. We also use speech recognition to transcribe your voice note for the recipient (in channel or chat) to allow them to read your voice message instead of listening to it should they prefer. Voice-to-text capability of Stork's Voice Notes is quite useful for busy professionals who multitask. Asynchronous audio messages allow teams that cut across organizational boundaries work better together, making the future of work simpler, more pleasant and productive while building a better culture.

One of the key ways to reshape your company's culture is by giving team members a better platform to collaborate in. Transform your team's workflow with Stork.

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