Smart Tracker

Discover Smart Tracker: Your Path to Enhanced MSP Efficiency and Profitability

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are constantly in search of tools that can streamline their operations and bolster their growth. Recognizing this need, Smart Tracker emerges as a pioneering AI-powered platform designed specifically with forward-thinking MSPs in mind.

Crafted for Growth and Future

At its core, Smart Tracker is engineered to serve as the Trusted PSA-RMM partner for MSPs across the globe. Its intuitive, all-in-one platform enables you to manage your operations seamlessly from a singular dashboard. Whether it's integrating with TeamViewer for remote support, Quickbooks for accounting, or Webroot for cybersecurity, Smart Tracker brings the tools you cherish into one convene location.

Embrace the Power of AI

Smart Tracker is not your ordinary management tool. Infused with the latest AI technology, it supercharges MSPs, allowing for smarter decision-making, enhanced efficiency, and, ultimately, unparalleled profitability. From Project Management, IT Documentation, Asset and Patch Management to Advanced Alerting and Security Management, Smart Tracker covers every base.

Key Features at a Glance
  • Comprehensive PSA-RMM Integration: Combines the functionalities of Professional Services Automation (PSA) and Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) in one platform.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Presents all crucial information in an easily digestible format, allowing for quick insights and actions.
  • Automation and Alerting: Streamlines routine tasks and intelligently notifies you about critical updates or issues.
  • Security First Approach: Prioritises your MSP's and clients' data security with built-in tools and protocols.
  • Marketplace Integration: Access and integrate with a plethora of tools and applications directly from the Smart Tracker ecosystem.


  • AI-Powered Insights: Leverages artificial intelligence for deeper operational insight and efficiency.
  • Unified Operations: Simplifies managing different aspects of your MSP business within a single platform.
  • Flexibility: Offers flexibility to work with a wide range of popular tools and services.


  • Learning Curve: New users might experience a learning curve due to the comprehensive nature of the platform.
  • Cost Factor: While offering a free trial, ongoing costs should be considered as part of your MSP's budget planning.

Join the Community

By becoming part of Smart Tracker's community, you're not just accessing a powerful tool; you're stepping into a realm of continuous learning and improvement. The platform encourages growth with resources like "The Bugle" blog, SuperPod Bytes, and an array of webinars and templates designed to keep you ahead of the curve.


As you navigate the complexities of managing a fast-growing MSP, Smart Tracker presents itself as a viable partner, poised to drive efficiency and profitability through its AI-powered platform. Embarking on a journey with Smart Tracker means embracing growth, innovation, and the bright future of your MSP.

For more information on how Smart Tracker can transform your MSP operations, consider booking a demo or starting a free trial today. Engage with a community of like-minded professionals and leverage a plethora of resources to ensure your MSP's success in the dynamic IT landscape.

Visit Smart Tracker

Due to the dynamic nature of digital tools and services, please consider reaching out directly to Smart Tracker for the most current details on features, pricing, and services offered.

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