
SayHi: Enhancing LinkedIn Outreach with a Personal Touch

In today's digital age, where networking is king, a tool that helps streamline your efforts while offering personalization is a goldmine. SayHi, a brand new Chrome extension, does exactly that by crafting personalized messages for LinkedIn outreach with a unique, human touch.

Simplifying Communication

SayHi is a user-friendly Chrome extension that is immediately helpful once installed. It's specially designed for those who use LinkedIn frequently for professional networking and outreach. What's commendable about SayHi is that it allows you to create a message template with a single sentence, which can be reused for different recipients.

Choose Your Tone

Communication is as much about what you say as how you say it. With SayHi, you can pick the tone that best represents your message, ensuring it's conveyed just the way you intend it to be. Whether you desire a formal tone for a potential employer or a friendly one for a new connection, SayHi lets you customize the vibe of your message to suit the situation.

Tailored Messaging

SayHi stands out with its capacity to personalize communications using your recipient's public LinkedIn profile. This feature ensures the messages you send are not just generic templates but are thoughtfully constructed to engage each individual recipient.

Diverse Applications

SayHi is versatile and finds utility across a spectrum of professional activities. Here's a glimpse of how various professionals can harness the power of SayHi:

· Recruiters can source potential talent effectively.

· Working Professionals can grow their networks with tailored messages.

· Sales Representatives can prospect customers and clients effortlessly.

· Entrepreneurs can reach out for project funding with confidence.

· Leaders can hire exceptional employees.

· Investors can connect with founders seamlessly.

Pricing Plans to Suit Your Needs

With different pricing tiers, SayHi caters to a wide range of needs from solo founders to large sales and recruiting teams:


· $10.00 Monthly per user

· 300 messages

· Analytics and A/B testing

· Access to beta features


· $50.00 Monthly per user

· 1,500 messages

· Enhanced template generation

· Analytics and A/B testing

· Access to beta features

Sales & Recruiting

· $100.00 Monthly per user

· 5,000 messages

· Advanced integrations

· Enhanced messaging templates

· Access to beta features

There's also the option for A La Carte Custom pricing for teams seeking unique features and pricing flexibility.

Try Before You Buy

If you're still on the fence about SayHi, the company offers 10 free messages to get you started, allowing you to test the waters before diving in.

For those who are ready to enhance their LinkedIn networking and outreach efforts, SayHi is worth exploring. With the promotional discount celebrating their ProductHunt launch, now is the perfect time to give this tool a whirl.

For more information about privacy and terms, you can check the documentation provided on the website of BitBird, Inc. Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize the way you connect on LinkedIn. Give SayHi a try and see the difference it can make.

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