
Simplifying Test Automation with Momentic

Test automation can be a complex task, especially for those who aren't familiar with coding. But what if there was a way to automate testing without writing a single line of code? Momentic has crafted a solution that allows developers to do just that - using AI to fast-track test automation for web applications.

The Essence of Momentic

Momentic is a state-of-the-art tool that harnesses the power of AI to facilitate end-to-end testing of web apps. It stands out because it allows you to describe user flows in natural language. This means you don't have to grapple with the ins and outs of traditional coding to automate your tests.

This AI-driven platform is gaining trust across various companies that need to ship their software at rapid speeds, making it an invaluable asset for developers looking to enhance their productivity.

Pricing Tiers Tailored to Your Needs

Hobby Plan

Perfect for individuals and small projects, the Hobby plan is a stepping stone into the world of automated testing. It's free and includes:

· Capacity for 10 tests

· 100 test runs per month

· One user seat

· Basic support and access to a Discord community

Team Plan

The Team plan is designed for more serious projects, offering extensive features, including:

· Unlimited tests

· 1000 runs per month

· Up to 10 seats

· Scheduled runs and CI/CD integrations

· A dedicated support channel and white-glove onboarding support

This plan is priced at $300 per month.

Enterprise Plan

Large teams will benefit from the Enterprise plan, which is a custom solution with features from the Team plan plus:

· Unlimited runs and seats

· Support SLAs

· Compliance and security reviews

· Additional upcoming features such as custom domains and advanced RBAC

For details and pricing on the Enterprise plan, companies are encouraged to get in touch with Momentic.

Learning More and Getting Answers

Potential users with questions have a wealth of resources at their disposal. Momentic has a comprehensive blog and documentation that cover topics like how the tool functions, comparisons with other automation frameworks, test creation, and debugging.

Wondering if Momentic needs access to your codebase? Rest assured, the platform is designed with privacy in mind and does not require direct access to your source code to perform its testing magic.


Momentic streamlines the test automation process, making it accessible to developers, regardless of their coding expertise. By delivering a user-friendly interface that interprets natural language, it enables teams to boost their productivity and catch bugs effectively. For those interested in accelerating their development cycle with AI-powered test automation, joining the waitlist for Momentic could be the perfect next step.

Explore more about the platform and its offerings on their official documentation, and consider joining their community for support and engagement.

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