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Easy way to create royalty free music

May 17, 2024
Easy way to create royalty free music

Meet Soundraw: A Versatile AI-Powered Music Creation Tool

In the realm of content creation, whether it’s for games, videos, podcasts, or ads, music is a key element that brings stories to life. But, creating unique background scores that resonate with your project can be challenging, especially if you have little to no knowledge about music composition. That’s where Soundraw steps in, a tool that transforms the way creators produce music.

Soundraw is designed with simplicity in mind. With a user-friendly interface, the platform is accessible to all, regardless of their musical expertise. This tool is a boon for creators looking for an effortless way to generate music that aligns perfectly with their creative vision.

Here is what makes Soundraw stand out:

Seamless Music Creation

Say goodbye to complicated terms of service or the fear of copyright infringement with Soundraw's royalty-free music. The tool boasts an impressive AI that can combine over 54 million different music patterns to create a unique piece every time you use it.

License with Ease

Once you create music with Soundraw, you gain the freedom to use it in various applications without the worry of legal repercussions. Whether your project is a monetized video, podcast, game, or advertisement, Soundraw’s license covers it all.

Regular Updates

Continuously evolving, the platform adds more than 500,000 new patterns every month, thanks to its AI-driven core. This ensures that your music stays fresh, innovative, and up-to-date with the latest trends.

Personalization at Your Fingertips

Even if you're a novice when it comes to music, Soundraw simplifies the customization process:


Select & Create: Begin by choosing a scene, mood, and genre. Once set, the AI will generate music based on your preferences. The beauty lies in its unpredictability – you get different results even with the same settings.


Customize: You can tweak the instruments and the structure effortlessly. Want to change the melody, backing, bass, or drum sounds? Just a few clicks will do. You can also switch on or off various blocks to alter the song's structure to your liking.


Manage: Keep track of your creative outputs with ease. Store your favorite tunes, download history, upload videos to check for music compatibility, and even access the last 10 pieces of music you created.

Budget-Friendly Plans

You might wonder about the cost of such a sophisticated tool. Soundraw offers affordable subscription plans because the music is AI-created. This allows for competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Choose from monthly or annual subscriptions based on what best suits your creative needs. With this pricing strategy, Soundraw makes it possible for all creators, from hobbyists to professionals, to access high-quality music without breaking the bank.

Soundraw is not just Ecrett's big brother; it's a revolutionary tool ready to change the music landscape for creators worldwide. It stands as proof that technology and creativity can walk hand in hand, opening doors to endless possibilities.

Considering pros and cons, a major advantage of Soundraw is the reduction of legal and financial barriers for creators who need high-quality music. The easily navigable interface and the constant influx of new patterns make it a dynamic and valuable resource. On the flipside, while AI-generated music is getting better, it may not yet fully replace the nuanced compositions that a human musician can provide. For projects requiring highly specialized or emotionally-charged compositions, traditional music creation might still be the preferred route.

For more in-depth information, watching the tutorial on its website can be illuminating. This can be a step towards understanding how to navigate the platform and fully harness its capabilities. Soundraw is poised to be a game-changer for creators.

In a nutshell, Soundraw breaks down the complexities of music creation and provides an intuitive and inclusive platform for all types of creators. With the power of AI, music is no longer a hurdle but a companion in the storytelling process.

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