ap automation software

Discovering the Efficiency of AI in Invoice Processing with Intelgic

Welcome to the age of automation, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how businesses handle their financial operations. Intelgic, a leader in AI-driven workflow automation, introduces a sophisticated platform designed to enhance the efficiency of your accounts payable (AP) team dramatically.

The Intelgic platform leverages cutting-edge computer vision and document AI to automate the entire invoice processing workflow. Say goodbye to manual data entry woes as Intelgic's pre-trained AI model extracts data from invoices with an impressive 99% accuracy, all in under 60 seconds per invoice. Imagine the speed and reliability this brings to your financial operations.

How Does The Invoice Processing AI Platform Work?

In four simple steps, businesses transform their AP processes:


Sourcing Invoice: The system collects invoices from emails, folders, or other systems. An API allows for direct invoice submission.


Data Extraction: The AI model automatically processes and captures vital information from the invoices.


Data Validation and Transformation: Extracted data are made available on Intelgic’s platform, where they are validated alongside the original invoice.


System Integration: Validated data is then seamlessly transferred to the existing financial system via a webhook, bringing forth the promise of comprehensive integration with any setup you're currently operating.

Simplified Onboarding and Continuous Improvement

Getting on board with Intelgic's Document AI platform is a breeze. Within an hour, businesses can register, log in from the dashboard, and start managing documents effectively. The platform supports various file formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG for input, offering peace of mind that regardless of how you receive invoices, Intelgic can process them.

What's genuinely remarkable about Intelgic's AI is its ability to learn continuously. The AI refines its capabilities with each new invoice, correcting exceptions, and achieving near-flawless accuracy over time. If for some reason the AI doesn't meet your expectations, Intelgic offers dedicated support to address and resolve any inaccuracies.

Further Advantages of Using Intelgic

· Efficiency is boosted as Intelgic claims to make AP teams up to 20 times more productive.

· Using the Intelgic platform can lead to significant cost reductions, estimated between 60% to 80%.

· Custom data capture is also available, meaning unique invoice details aren’t overlooked.

· The system’s versatility extends to processing other document types such as shipping receipts and purchase orders (PO), simplifying three-way and four-way matching for thorough verification processes.

To Consider

Despite the numerous benefits, businesses might want to consider the following:

· Ensuring that the integration with existing systems is smooth and does not disrupt current workflows.

· Verifying that their specific invoice formats and unique data points are effectively captured by the AI model.

Embracing Intelgic's AI-driven invoice processing platform means investing in a future-forward approach to AP management, one that offers both rapid processing and cost-effective solutions. To learn more about how Intelgic can innovatively transform your business’s invoice handling, you might explore visiting their Document AI platform and checking out their API services.

Through AI automation, Intelgic is not only reshaping the task of invoice processing but is also setting a new standard for operational efficiency in the financial sphere.

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