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AI Virtual Try-On

May 17, 2024
AI Virtual Try-On

Explore the Revolution in Online Shopping with AI Virtual Try-On

In the realm of online shopping, the groundbreaking AI Virtual Try-On tool is transforming how customers interact with fashion and accessories. This sophisticated tool leverages artificial intelligence to offer a personalized shopping experience, enabling users to visualize how items look on them before making a purchase. Let's dive into how this innovative tool works and the benefits it brings to both customers and brands.

How the AI Virtual Try-On Works

The process of using the AI Virtual Try-On tool is straightforward and user-friendly, involving just a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: Users begin by inputting information about their body.
  • Step 2: Next, they upload a photo of their face.
  • Step 3: With just these two steps completed, users can then view how any item from the store looks on them.

This seamless process, requiring information and a photo only once, enables customers to try on various items quickly and effortlessly.

Benefits for Brands

Adopting the AI Virtual Try-On tool offers several compelling advantages for brands:

  • Increased Conversion: Statistics indicate that customers who have the opportunity to virtually try on items are significantly more likely to proceed with a purchase, with conversion rates potentially increasing by three to four times.
  • Decreased Returns: By providing accurate size recommendations, this tool helps customers select the right size the first time, thereby reducing the likelihood of returns.
  • Actionable Customer Data: Brands gain valuable insights into customer preferences, including which products are tried on most frequently, facilitating targeted marketing efforts.

Easy Integration

The tool is designed for easy integration with existing platforms. Brands can choose from two convenient options:

  • Shopify App Plugin: A simple solution for Shopify users, allowing for easy installation and setup.
  • Custom Code Integration: For websites built on other platforms, a few lines of custom code are all that's required for integration.

Pricing Plans

The AI Virtual Try-On tool offers flexible pricing plans to cater to the needs of different brands:

  • Basic Plan: Ideal for emerging brands seeking a competitive edge, priced at $750 per month. This plan includes 1,500 generation per month and limited SKU support.
  • Premium Plan: Designed for more established brands, this plan is priced at $2,500 per month and includes 5,000 generations per month, unlimited SKUs, and a dedicated support channel.
  • Custom Plan: For brands with unique needs, a custom plan offers unlimited generations, unlimited SKUs, and 24/7 live support. Pricing is available upon contacting sales.

Ready to Transform Your Online Store?

The AI Virtual Try-On tool is a game-changer for online shopping, offering a highly personalized and engaging experience to customers while delivering tangible benefits to brands. Whether you're a growing brand looking for an edge or an established name aiming to enhance customer satisfaction, this tool can help achieve your goals. Interested in seeing it in action? Schedule a demo to learn more about how this innovative technology can revolutionize your customer's shopping experience.

For more information on integrating with Shopify or custom websites, visit the Shopify integration guide or contact the support team for assistance with custom integrations.

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