If you've ever had to sit through a long, important meeting and realize you either missed something crucial or forgot to take notes, you're not alone. Keeping track of all the information shared in a meeting can be tough. But what if there was a way to automatically record and even transcribe your meetings? Well, now there is.

Meet our AI-powered tool designed to make your work life more manageable, whether you're in UX/User Research, Hiring & Recruiting, Product Teams, Sales, or Customer Success, this tool has got you covered.

How it works

Our tool is super simple to use. You can record online meetings for free and even create a repository of important user interviews. Amplify the voice of your customer, collaborate better across functions, and scale your onboarding and training seamlessly.

Here's what you can do with it:

  • Record online meetings
  • Transcribe your meeting recordings for easy reference


  • Easy recording and transcription of meetings
  • Improves note-taking and information retention
  • Caters to various business roles and functions
  • Free and Pro plans available


  • Reliance on technology for meeting documentation
  • Privacy and data security concerns

Plans and More

We offer both free and Pro plans, ensuring there's an option for everyone. Additionally, we have a referral program, so you can share this tool with your friends and colleagues.

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