
Morgen: The All-in-One Time Management Tool

In today's busy world, managing our time effectively is becoming increasingly important. This is where Morgen comes in - a versatile productivity application that combines calendars, tasks, time-blocking, and scheduling in one intuitive platform.

Unified Calendar Management

One of the standout features of Morgen is its ability to streamline your planning by integrating with almost every calendar provider you can think of. This means Google, Outlook, Apple, Exchange, Fastmail, and more, all in one place. You can toggle between individual calendar views or look at them in a combined format, with shortcuts for ease of use.

Thoughtful Scheduling

With Morgen's thoughtful scheduling features, you can share your availability in seconds without the headache of conflicting commitments. The app ensures your real-time availability is checked across all your calendars. It also offers Personalized Booking Pages, Scheduling Links, and Open Invites to make the scheduling process as smooth as possible.

Time Blocking and Daily Planning

Morgen isn't just about checking dates and appointments; it allows you to be intentional with your time. Its task management feature enables you to turn your to-dos into scheduled time blocks within your calendar, so you can focus on protecting that dedicated time for your most important tasks.

Customization and Convenience

Morgen also offers a variety of customization options:

· Create Custom Views of your calendars

· Easily manage Time Zones

· Set Notifications and Reminders

· Use Custom Tags for event categorization

Additionally, it simplifies staying organized by finding and merging duplicate events.

Task Management

Morgen ensures that your aspirational to-do lists turn into achievable plans. With options to prioritize, plan, and manage your tasks, Morgen supports not only its Task Manager but also integrates with other platforms like Todoist, Microsoft To Do, Google Tasks, and more.

Team Coordination

For those who work in teams, seeing everyone's availability at a glance and finding the best meeting times is made easy with Morgen. This feature aims to reduce the disruptions in everyone's daily workflows.

Design and Navigation

Designed with your convenience in mind, Morgen offers an appealing and intuitive interface that helps you breeze through your planning. The app includes:

· Keyboard Shortcuts for efficiency

· A Command Bar allowing you to create events and tasks using natural language

· A Quick Search to find events and scheduled tasks

· One-Click to join virtual meetings

· Integration with Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex for seamless virtual meeting setup

· A choice between Light or Dark themes, or you can let it adjust according to your system settings

User Testimonials

Morgen has already earned praises from users such as Cees de Kort and Magdi, who appreciate its Linux support and the consistent user experience across different devices.


Embracing Morgen might be the change you need to efficiently plan, prioritize, and balance your time. With all of your calendars, tasks, and scheduling demands in one place, Morgen is poised to help you take control of your day with ease.

For more insights and user experiences, you can visit Morgen's website where you can also try the Morgen Apps and read about Morgen Assist.

As with any tool, there are pros and cons:


· Integrated time management across different calendar providers

· Easy-to-use interface with customization options

· Time blocking increases productivity and focus

· Team coordination features simplify collaboration

· Streamlines task management with integrations from other apps


· Some users may need time to adapt to the integrated approach

· Certain features might be overwhelming at first for non-tech-savvy individuals

Ultimately, Morgen provides a complete package for anyone looking to revamp their approach to time management and productivity.

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