DotsLive: Your Personalized Career Assistant

Are you a student or professional looking to grow your network, connect with industry experts, or find job opportunities? DotsLive is here to help you achieve your career goals! DotsLive offers a suite of AI-powered career development and networking tools, including the revolutionary DotsPal, your very own Personalized Career Assistant.

What Is DotsLive?

DotsLive is a platform that integrates generative AI to automate talent recruitment and enhance the career development process. Whether you're a student seeking to connect with like-minded peers or a professional looking to expand your network, DotsLive provides the tools and resources you need to achieve success in your career.

Features of DotsLive


Personalized Career Assistant (DotsPal): Your very own AI-powered career assistant is designed to provide guidance for networking, job-related preparation, and everyday career needs.


Live Networking Events: Connect with industry professionals and like-minded individuals through live networking sessions and group events.


One-on-One Networking: Efficiently match with individuals who share similar interests and goals, enabling personalized and focused networking.


Job Opportunities: Stay informed about potential job opportunities and receive notifications about guest speakers and industry events.

What Others Are Saying

"DotsLive has completely changed my networking experience. I'm able to make significant relationships with experts with a lot of industry experience thanks to their live networking events." – Kenneth Aido, Bachelor of Engineering student at Western University

"I highly suggest DotsLive to anybody looking to grow their professional network and build long-term contacts." – Kenneth Aido, Bachelor of Engineering student at Western University

"The platform's pairing capabilities efficiently match me with individuals who share similar interests, enabling focused networking within a short period of time." – Abbas Singapurwala, Master of Management Analytics student at Rotman School of Management

"DotsPal, the Personalized Career Assistant, has been very helpful for my everyday networking preparation and job-searching needs." – Melodi Jin, Master of Business Analytics student at Schulich School of Management

"DotsLive made it easy for me to build meaningful engagement and relationships with like-minded peers and industry professionals." – Gaurav Sindhwani, Master of Business Administration student at Goodman School of Business

Request a Demo

Are you ready to elevate your career development and networking experience? Request a demo of DotsLive today and take the first step towards unlocking your professional potential.

Pros and Cons


· AI-powered assistant for personalized career guidance

· Live networking events with industry professionals

· Efficient matching for focused networking


· Platform might require time to familiarize with its features for some users.

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