Brisk Teaching

Exploring Brisk Teaching: A Revolutionary AI Chrome Extension for Educators

In the ever-evolving world of education, teachers continuously seek methods to enhance the learning experience and maximize their time efficiency. Enter Brisk Teaching, an innovative tool designed to ease educators' burdens by seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence with their existing digital classroom tools.

What is Brisk Teaching?

Brisk Teaching is a versatile Chrome extension specifically tailored for educators. What makes it such a valuable asset for educators is its array of features, each fine-tuned to cater to different aspects of teaching and assessment:

· First-Pass Feedback: This feature offers prompt and precise feedback on student assignments, enabling educators to guide their students with constructive suggestions swiftly.

· Leveled Resources: Teachers can adjust reading levels on web pages, ensuring that material is accessible and understandable for students of varying proficiencies.

· Curriculum Generation: It aids in crafting innovative curriculum materials tailored to the classroom's needs, ranging from lesson plans to quizzes.

An Asset for Educators Everywhere

More than 100,000 teachers from over 10,000 schools have embraced Brisk Teaching as part of their instructional toolkit. The extension simplifies tasks that traditionally take up a significant portion of an educator's time. Here's how:

Personalized, Swift Feedback

The Targeted Feedback component is part of the premium Brisk School plan, where educators can give personalized, standards-aligned feedback in a flash. This helps cut down the hours dedicated to grading and enables students to receive their graded work faster, providing them with ample opportunity to refine their skills.

Ease of Grading with AI

With Brisk's AI essay grader, you can generate balanced, constructive feedback to assist learners in their growth. The General feedback feature comes with Glow, Grow, and Wondering questions to push students’ thinking further. Designed to save time and foster innovative ideas, it also drafts feedback for a variety of assignments like lab reports and essays.

Curriculum Development with a Click

Beyond providing feedback, Brisk Teaching expedites lesson plan formation and resource creation. Teachers have the power to craft educational materials that are engaging and up to date with the help of artificial intelligence.

The Simple Steps to Get Started

The process of integrating Brisk Teaching into your workflow is straightforward:

1. Install the Chrome extension.

2. Access it while working on Google Docs, Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, or any other web page.

3. Utilize the extension to manage reading levels, create curricula, and compile feedback.

For a more visual understanding, and to see Brisk Teaching in action, watch this instructional video on YouTube.

The Community's Voice

Educators who have integrated Brisk Teaching into their routines have shared their experiences, often noting significant time savings and reduced effort in lesson preparation and grading. The AI's ability to offer targeted and general feedback is frequently highlighted as a key benefit.


Brisk Teaching is a breakthrough tool for educators striving to balance the demands of teaching with the desire for personal time. By harnessing the power of AI, it provides an easier path to present students with challenging, thought-provoking material matched to their abilities while also offering a helping hand in managing the daily workload. It's free to sign up, providing teachers with an opportunity to revolutionize their teaching experience without initial investment.

Whether you're a teacher seeking to trim down preparation time or a school leader looking for innovative solutions for your faculty, Brisk Teaching might be the perfect choice to consider.

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